I want to thank you all my clients and fellow colleagues for being patient during this strange time we’re in. I miss all the faces of real estate agents and eager new clients. I joked with an agent this week (but it is true) that her dog was the only being I’ve touched in weeks. 🙁
Major disruptions to our process have thrown me off, and I’m sure they have you too. I truly appreciate the trust you continue put in me and the very hard work you put into each home. The extra work & energy that this requires as well as the extra time spent on on each job with this new process has been COMPLETELY exhausting for me. It’s WAY more work than normal and by the weekend, my brain and body can barely function… so thanks again for remaining flexible with receiving reports later than normal, with scheduling and with the extra phone calls and Zoom meetings. It’s certainly not ideal and may not be as seamless as my original routine, but just know that my main goal is still that the buyers feel comfortable with the home moving forward.
With that, a reminder that agents and buyers can ALWAYS contact me with questions ANYTIME- after our inspection review, anytime during the homebuying process, and even after moving in. I know each home that I inspect quite well, so I’m a great, ongoing resource for answers!
I’m SO grateful for all the people I’m connected with in this business, even more so right now. I can’t wait to actually see you and perhaps even give you a hug when it’s safe!
We’re all in this together and I’m here for you.
Sending so much love,